Well they put a huge cow at Turner Field and it does the Tomahawk Chop, very slowly
Monday, June 23, 2008
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Thursday, June 19, 2008

I may have fallen into an opportunity to speak with Chris Daughtry recently. I may have posed as a writer and may have gotten a weird interview, or I may not have-my memory is terrible. I can't even believe it myself but here it is.
To help make sense 'L' will be me asking the questions and D will be for Chris Daughtry's answers and comments.
L: Thanks for talking to me man
D: No problem, happy to do it
L: So your band has had quite the success after the release of your debut album, did
you expect it?
D: Absolutely, when you put great artists together it's like striking a match against
a box, you're going to get fire.
L: Yeah, but sometimes the public doesn't respond, did you have any concerns that b/c
you came from 'American Idol' that the public wouldn't receive the album well.
D: Like I said, no doubt in my mind this would work out. I assembled a band of
pure talent and I have faith that my voice could carry a group of almost no
talent. People always come up to me and tell me how just my voice alone inspires
them and makes them feel good. It's deeper than the sound of my voice or the
moving lyrics, it's something I'm told is spiritual. I connect with people and
no one can teach that, I have a gift and it is my duty to share it and reach out
to people through my music.
L: Okay, well some people do not take you serious as a rock artist though, I've
talked to a few. How do you respond to that?
D: Again, anyone who doesn't like me or the band is ignorant or deaf. I promise you
anyone you claim said anything like that has not listened to 'Home'. Just the
hook alone lets you know what I'm all about. (Daughtry sang the hook) 'I'm going
home, to the place where I belong' (actually 3 times he sang it). I mean my voice
hits those word as pure as snow, tell me you don't have chill bumps.
L: I do, I had chill bumps just getting to talk to you. Let's switch gears. How
do you stay in such good shape, your body is pretty much perfect?
D: Well I disagree, I'd say my body is perfect. I take care of myself, what can I
say. You should see the way women react to me. It's like this, I'm gonna let you
in... One night me, Ace (from A.I.), and Bucky Covington all go out to this place
in L.A. Now Ace and Bucky are both ladies men who do better than most people
dream, I mean we're talking A list stars I'm with. But all night we're sitting in
the VIP and all the honeys want to talk to me, its like Ace and Bucky don't exist.
If I wasn't married, I would've definitely been all on some of that if you know
what I mean.
L: Got it, thanks for that. I hear you and Ace have actually written songs together,
is that right?
D: Yeah, Ace and I are soul mates in a non-sexual way. Basically we get together
somewhere private, strip down naked with a bottle of red wine and candles and just
write, man. We wrote 'It's Not Over' in like 2 hours one night, I swear their were
angels in the room guiding our pens, just beautiful.
L: Interesting, I didn't see that one coming.
D: I need to wrap this up, I'll give you one more.
L: Okay, let's see. 100 years from now, what will people say about you?
D: Hmmm, tough one. Basically I think they'll look back at a guy who was bigger than
music, a guy who crossed lines of age, race, wealth, nations. A guy who made
everyone better and who made a difference just by opening his mouth and singing.
I think when its all said and done I'll be like Elvis times 2, bigger than 'The
Beatles', 'Rolling Stones', you name it. I think it'll be about the music I made
and more. It'll be like that but also with the reverence people have to great
artists like Rembrandt or something. I see it as a deal where people will feel
like they missed out not being alive when I was. I don't know though, I'm just
getting my career started
L: Thank you so much Chris, really enjoyed it.
D: You bet.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
A semi-rant

I just cannot get over the fact that Obama may be our next president.
-He doesn't wear a flag lapel-I don't care but what kind of message is that if you are President and you refuse to wear one for any other reason than "I don't want to" or "I'm allergic to cheaply made Chinese metal".
-He has been a member of a quasi-Christian church with Jeremiah Wright as pastor, a man who he has called his 'spiritual-mentor'. The teachings of this church have elements of communism and racism towards anyone who is not black. Oh, almost forgot, they honored Louis Farakkhan as their 'man of the year'. The basis of their theology is essentially the black panther movement combined with Marxism.
-How can you separate yourself from this church you participated in for 17 years?
-He also attended a Muslim school for a couple years as a kid-no big deal though,
who is the war on terror against?
-He called his own grandmother a 'typical white person', you're half white you dumb ass!
-I'm keeping this short, it is just a semi-rant after all but he's married to Michelle. I don't have the evidence I need to call her a complete racist but just look at her and listen to her-is it that hard to imagine?
Sleep tight, our country might as well stamp a ticket to Hell if we elect this man.
Monday, June 16, 2008
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
From bad to worse
The incredible run of injuries continued again last night. Glavine left early with an elbow injury and is on the DL. This afternoon word came down that Jurrjens sprained his ankle walking down the stairs last night after the loss and will miss his start and may have to go on the DL also.
So 4/5 starters listed on opening day are out with an injury, along with Moylan, Gonzalez and Soriano. We're also missing our starting centerfielder, and left fielder. We might as well be missing Francoeur with the lack of production we're getting from him.
I hate to wave the white flag so early, but things are not looking good. Every team has to deal with injuries, but this is absurd, and almost close to impossible to deal with.
On a positive note Morton will be called up this weekend and it will be exciting to see what he's got. I'll still be watching and rooting, but this is frustrating.
So 4/5 starters listed on opening day are out with an injury, along with Moylan, Gonzalez and Soriano. We're also missing our starting centerfielder, and left fielder. We might as well be missing Francoeur with the lack of production we're getting from him.
I hate to wave the white flag so early, but things are not looking good. Every team has to deal with injuries, but this is absurd, and almost close to impossible to deal with.
On a positive note Morton will be called up this weekend and it will be exciting to see what he's got. I'll still be watching and rooting, but this is frustrating.
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Frenchy and Politics
The Bravos pretty much put themselves behind the 8 ball for the time being with their sweep at the hands of the Phillies this weekend. A bad road trip over the next week and a half and this season could potentially be as good as done.
Because I love Frenchy so much as a player/person it is difficult to watch him play so poorly. I am baffled as to why a player with so much talent cannot seem to hit better than this. It is reminiscent of the Andruw Jones days with the main difference in the fact that Frenchy is much smarter than Andruw and seems to want to learn and do well. From what I've heard, Andruw would listen sometimes but was very stubborn for the most part and difficult to coach. Although commentators and the like seem to enjoy picking on how much Frenchy swings at bad pitches, I don't feel that is the main issue. Not that I'm an expert but it seems obvious that 2 things are wrong, they are somewhat intertwined: 1. Frenchy has a large whole for pitches away, in particular pitches that are up or away. 2. This correlates with his poor timing, he seems to be getting started very early or very late. His average and power are not anywhere close to where they need to be. Either he is a head case, or Terry Pendleton is doing a terrible job with him.
With the 2 candidates set, the campaigning for president has begun and I've heard quite a bit about it from the news media. What I don't understand is why all we hear about is what the other side does wrong and what one side thinks is right. Where are the ideas/solutions to the major issues we face? Obama and McCain have given maybe 1 or 2 specifics on what they plan to do and then a lot of general rhetoric that is essentially meaningless.
Gas is $4 a gallon and all that is being done is arguing and stupid bickering. We have other countries drilling for oil just miles from our coast but American companies are not allowed to because of our nation's concern for the environment. We as a nation are blinded with concern for 'certain catastrophe' looming with this global warming issue. Guess what liberals, idiots, yes-men....Global Warming as we know it and its supposed causes is flat out BULLSHIT. I will not argue that there may be environmental issues that need to be addressed but Global Warming is not one of them. The same scientists that can explain the Ice Age and patterns of the earth's climate now somehow think that a trend of Global Warming is certainly our fault as human beings? How asinine are these people? Their are numerous fallacies in the evidence and much evidence to dispute the fact that Global Warming exists but now politicians from both sides almost all seem to agree we need to address this. We will waste billions of dollars in a sour economy with record gas prices to curb something that does not exist. I do not have the time or energy to go into specific examples of the problems with the argument that Global Warming exists but I challenge any sane person to research this on their own and see what they find.
The thing that baffles me the most though.... Al Gore championed this movement. The same bumbling idiot that claimed to invent the Internet.
Other than the stupid issue of Global Warming we have many other problems which or current politicians seem either unwilling or unable to solve. I feel disheartened with my choices for President and feel disgusted with our government. Bear in mind that I feel John McCain is a typical politician who will do little to nothing to help point our country in the right direction before I say this...
Barack Obama is the most frightening candidate I have ever seen for president. He is wrapped up in radically liberal ideas and will push these ideas onto Congress to put into action. Our country is in enough trouble, the last thing we need is an inexperienced Socialist running the show.
That is all I have to say for now. I feel better.
Because I love Frenchy so much as a player/person it is difficult to watch him play so poorly. I am baffled as to why a player with so much talent cannot seem to hit better than this. It is reminiscent of the Andruw Jones days with the main difference in the fact that Frenchy is much smarter than Andruw and seems to want to learn and do well. From what I've heard, Andruw would listen sometimes but was very stubborn for the most part and difficult to coach. Although commentators and the like seem to enjoy picking on how much Frenchy swings at bad pitches, I don't feel that is the main issue. Not that I'm an expert but it seems obvious that 2 things are wrong, they are somewhat intertwined: 1. Frenchy has a large whole for pitches away, in particular pitches that are up or away. 2. This correlates with his poor timing, he seems to be getting started very early or very late. His average and power are not anywhere close to where they need to be. Either he is a head case, or Terry Pendleton is doing a terrible job with him.
With the 2 candidates set, the campaigning for president has begun and I've heard quite a bit about it from the news media. What I don't understand is why all we hear about is what the other side does wrong and what one side thinks is right. Where are the ideas/solutions to the major issues we face? Obama and McCain have given maybe 1 or 2 specifics on what they plan to do and then a lot of general rhetoric that is essentially meaningless.
Gas is $4 a gallon and all that is being done is arguing and stupid bickering. We have other countries drilling for oil just miles from our coast but American companies are not allowed to because of our nation's concern for the environment. We as a nation are blinded with concern for 'certain catastrophe' looming with this global warming issue. Guess what liberals, idiots, yes-men....Global Warming as we know it and its supposed causes is flat out BULLSHIT. I will not argue that there may be environmental issues that need to be addressed but Global Warming is not one of them. The same scientists that can explain the Ice Age and patterns of the earth's climate now somehow think that a trend of Global Warming is certainly our fault as human beings? How asinine are these people? Their are numerous fallacies in the evidence and much evidence to dispute the fact that Global Warming exists but now politicians from both sides almost all seem to agree we need to address this. We will waste billions of dollars in a sour economy with record gas prices to curb something that does not exist. I do not have the time or energy to go into specific examples of the problems with the argument that Global Warming exists but I challenge any sane person to research this on their own and see what they find.
The thing that baffles me the most though.... Al Gore championed this movement. The same bumbling idiot that claimed to invent the Internet.
Other than the stupid issue of Global Warming we have many other problems which or current politicians seem either unwilling or unable to solve. I feel disheartened with my choices for President and feel disgusted with our government. Bear in mind that I feel John McCain is a typical politician who will do little to nothing to help point our country in the right direction before I say this...
Barack Obama is the most frightening candidate I have ever seen for president. He is wrapped up in radically liberal ideas and will push these ideas onto Congress to put into action. Our country is in enough trouble, the last thing we need is an inexperienced Socialist running the show.
That is all I have to say for now. I feel better.
Saturday, June 7, 2008
A recap and a rant
Its been quite a week for the Braves. The week started with the news that Smoltz was coming back and returning to the bullpen. We had a 1 run lead headed into the 9th, and the doors swung open and out comes Smoltz ready to lock it down. I got goosebumps seeing that again. Unfortunately, it wasn't a happy ending at all. Smoltz blew the save thanks in part to some shaky outfield play, but Escobar saved the day. Tuesday was impressive, we came from behind and picked up the first win when trailing after 7 innings all year.
Wednesday word leaked out the Braves scheduled a press conference with Smoltz and Bobby. This is never good. I went at lunch to watch the press conference and got the stomach punch we were fearing. He has to have another shoulder surgery, and some speculated this would be the end. As always Smoltz was defiant and plans on rehabbing and coming back if at all possible. I hope he can, he's one of the 5 greatest Braves and he deserves a better ending to his career. What's amazing is that he was hitting 95 mph even with a bum shoulder. To add insult to injury, in the game that day Manny Acosta (more on him later) gave up 4 runs in the 9th to blow the game for the Braves.
Thursday was fantastic. Another great comeback win from the Braves. But the true highlight of the night was Chipper Jones. 4/5 with this:
Career homerun 400. He hit the ball 1 section over from us. The reaction he got from the fans was fantastic and it was great to see him come out for a curtain call. Watching him right now is just an absolute treat.
And this brings me to my rant. We are far too talented to be a .500 team and struggling with runners on base. Last night was the perfect example of this. Yes, the game should have ended with an easy pop fly catch. It shouldn't have even gotten to that point where 1 run made a difference. Twice we had the bases loaded, and twice we came out of it with no runs. We had 3 runners thrown out at home, including a botched suicide squeeze, a botched sac fly and then a close play at the plate in the bottom of the 10th. It shouldn't be blamed on any one person, but Francoeur has drawn my ire, as he was the man that came up both times with the bases loaded, and both times he failed to drive in any runs.
I hate to question Bobby Cox, because he's great at what he does, but for the life of me, I do not understand why Frenchy continues to hit in the 5 spot. Chipper is getting on base 50% of the time. And Brian McCann his hitting over .300 and leading the league in doubles. Why not hit McCann behind Chipper, its going to increase the chances for McCann to drive in runners. Tex is going to have to start making more of his chances as well. Teams are starting to intentionally walk Chipper, and he's got to be more productive so teams will think twice about that.
Hopefully the team won't let last night affect them for the rest of the weekend, these close losses are so frustrating and in a tight race I really hope they don't come back to bite us in the ass.
Wednesday word leaked out the Braves scheduled a press conference with Smoltz and Bobby. This is never good. I went at lunch to watch the press conference and got the stomach punch we were fearing. He has to have another shoulder surgery, and some speculated this would be the end. As always Smoltz was defiant and plans on rehabbing and coming back if at all possible. I hope he can, he's one of the 5 greatest Braves and he deserves a better ending to his career. What's amazing is that he was hitting 95 mph even with a bum shoulder. To add insult to injury, in the game that day Manny Acosta (more on him later) gave up 4 runs in the 9th to blow the game for the Braves.
Thursday was fantastic. Another great comeback win from the Braves. But the true highlight of the night was Chipper Jones. 4/5 with this:

Career homerun 400. He hit the ball 1 section over from us. The reaction he got from the fans was fantastic and it was great to see him come out for a curtain call. Watching him right now is just an absolute treat.
And this brings me to my rant. We are far too talented to be a .500 team and struggling with runners on base. Last night was the perfect example of this. Yes, the game should have ended with an easy pop fly catch. It shouldn't have even gotten to that point where 1 run made a difference. Twice we had the bases loaded, and twice we came out of it with no runs. We had 3 runners thrown out at home, including a botched suicide squeeze, a botched sac fly and then a close play at the plate in the bottom of the 10th. It shouldn't be blamed on any one person, but Francoeur has drawn my ire, as he was the man that came up both times with the bases loaded, and both times he failed to drive in any runs.
I hate to question Bobby Cox, because he's great at what he does, but for the life of me, I do not understand why Frenchy continues to hit in the 5 spot. Chipper is getting on base 50% of the time. And Brian McCann his hitting over .300 and leading the league in doubles. Why not hit McCann behind Chipper, its going to increase the chances for McCann to drive in runners. Tex is going to have to start making more of his chances as well. Teams are starting to intentionally walk Chipper, and he's got to be more productive so teams will think twice about that.
Hopefully the team won't let last night affect them for the rest of the weekend, these close losses are so frustrating and in a tight race I really hope they don't come back to bite us in the ass.
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