Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Frenchy and Politics

The Bravos pretty much put themselves behind the 8 ball for the time being with their sweep at the hands of the Phillies this weekend. A bad road trip over the next week and a half and this season could potentially be as good as done.


Because I love Frenchy so much as a player/person it is difficult to watch him play so poorly. I am baffled as to why a player with so much talent cannot seem to hit better than this. It is reminiscent of the Andruw Jones days with the main difference in the fact that Frenchy is much smarter than Andruw and seems to want to learn and do well. From what I've heard, Andruw would listen sometimes but was very stubborn for the most part and difficult to coach. Although commentators and the like seem to enjoy picking on how much Frenchy swings at bad pitches, I don't feel that is the main issue. Not that I'm an expert but it seems obvious that 2 things are wrong, they are somewhat intertwined: 1. Frenchy has a large whole for pitches away, in particular pitches that are up or away. 2. This correlates with his poor timing, he seems to be getting started very early or very late. His average and power are not anywhere close to where they need to be. Either he is a head case, or Terry Pendleton is doing a terrible job with him.


With the 2 candidates set, the campaigning for president has begun and I've heard quite a bit about it from the news media. What I don't understand is why all we hear about is what the other side does wrong and what one side thinks is right. Where are the ideas/solutions to the major issues we face? Obama and McCain have given maybe 1 or 2 specifics on what they plan to do and then a lot of general rhetoric that is essentially meaningless.

Gas is $4 a gallon and all that is being done is arguing and stupid bickering. We have other countries drilling for oil just miles from our coast but American companies are not allowed to because of our nation's concern for the environment. We as a nation are blinded with concern for 'certain catastrophe' looming with this global warming issue. Guess what liberals, idiots, yes-men....Global Warming as we know it and its supposed causes is flat out BULLSHIT. I will not argue that there may be environmental issues that need to be addressed but Global Warming is not one of them. The same scientists that can explain the Ice Age and patterns of the earth's climate now somehow think that a trend of Global Warming is certainly our fault as human beings? How asinine are these people? Their are numerous fallacies in the evidence and much evidence to dispute the fact that Global Warming exists but now politicians from both sides almost all seem to agree we need to address this. We will waste billions of dollars in a sour economy with record gas prices to curb something that does not exist. I do not have the time or energy to go into specific examples of the problems with the argument that Global Warming exists but I challenge any sane person to research this on their own and see what they find.

The thing that baffles me the most though.... Al Gore championed this movement. The same bumbling idiot that claimed to invent the Internet.

Other than the stupid issue of Global Warming we have many other problems which or current politicians seem either unwilling or unable to solve. I feel disheartened with my choices for President and feel disgusted with our government. Bear in mind that I feel John McCain is a typical politician who will do little to nothing to help point our country in the right direction before I say this...

Barack Obama is the most frightening candidate I have ever seen for president. He is wrapped up in radically liberal ideas and will push these ideas onto Congress to put into action. Our country is in enough trouble, the last thing we need is an inexperienced Socialist running the show.

That is all I have to say for now. I feel better.

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