I may have fallen into an opportunity to speak with Chris Daughtry recently. I may have posed as a writer and may have gotten a weird interview, or I may not have-my memory is terrible. I can't even believe it myself but here it is.
To help make sense 'L' will be me asking the questions and D will be for Chris Daughtry's answers and comments.
L: Thanks for talking to me man
D: No problem, happy to do it
L: So your band has had quite the success after the release of your debut album, did
you expect it?
D: Absolutely, when you put great artists together it's like striking a match against
a box, you're going to get fire.
L: Yeah, but sometimes the public doesn't respond, did you have any concerns that b/c
you came from 'American Idol' that the public wouldn't receive the album well.
D: Like I said, no doubt in my mind this would work out. I assembled a band of
pure talent and I have faith that my voice could carry a group of almost no
talent. People always come up to me and tell me how just my voice alone inspires
them and makes them feel good. It's deeper than the sound of my voice or the
moving lyrics, it's something I'm told is spiritual. I connect with people and
no one can teach that, I have a gift and it is my duty to share it and reach out
to people through my music.
L: Okay, well some people do not take you serious as a rock artist though, I've
talked to a few. How do you respond to that?
D: Again, anyone who doesn't like me or the band is ignorant or deaf. I promise you
anyone you claim said anything like that has not listened to 'Home'. Just the
hook alone lets you know what I'm all about. (Daughtry sang the hook) 'I'm going
home, to the place where I belong' (actually 3 times he sang it). I mean my voice
hits those word as pure as snow, tell me you don't have chill bumps.
L: I do, I had chill bumps just getting to talk to you. Let's switch gears. How
do you stay in such good shape, your body is pretty much perfect?
D: Well I disagree, I'd say my body is perfect. I take care of myself, what can I
say. You should see the way women react to me. It's like this, I'm gonna let you
in... One night me, Ace (from A.I.), and Bucky Covington all go out to this place
in L.A. Now Ace and Bucky are both ladies men who do better than most people
dream, I mean we're talking A list stars I'm with. But all night we're sitting in
the VIP and all the honeys want to talk to me, its like Ace and Bucky don't exist.
If I wasn't married, I would've definitely been all on some of that if you know
what I mean.
L: Got it, thanks for that. I hear you and Ace have actually written songs together,
is that right?
D: Yeah, Ace and I are soul mates in a non-sexual way. Basically we get together
somewhere private, strip down naked with a bottle of red wine and candles and just
write, man. We wrote 'It's Not Over' in like 2 hours one night, I swear their were
angels in the room guiding our pens, just beautiful.
L: Interesting, I didn't see that one coming.
D: I need to wrap this up, I'll give you one more.
L: Okay, let's see. 100 years from now, what will people say about you?
D: Hmmm, tough one. Basically I think they'll look back at a guy who was bigger than
music, a guy who crossed lines of age, race, wealth, nations. A guy who made
everyone better and who made a difference just by opening his mouth and singing.
I think when its all said and done I'll be like Elvis times 2, bigger than 'The
Beatles', 'Rolling Stones', you name it. I think it'll be about the music I made
and more. It'll be like that but also with the reverence people have to great
artists like Rembrandt or something. I see it as a deal where people will feel
like they missed out not being alive when I was. I don't know though, I'm just
getting my career started
L: Thank you so much Chris, really enjoyed it.
D: You bet.
Amazing. Hopefully you can line up Bucky Covington next
That was a great interview. Tim russert would be proud.
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