I am torn with conflicting thoughts and emotions today as I ponder the impending Presidency of our President-Elect Barack Obama. Throughout his campaign I have been a vocal opponent of his because of his record and his ideas for America. I am a Federalist and do not agree with or support the idea of a large national government so there is no way I could ever see myself seeing anywhere near eye to eye with a Democrat. I do however acknowledge that good leadership does not always involve pushing one’s own beliefs onto others who may or may not be of like mind. I hope and pray that Barack Obama is the leader he portrays himself to be. As Americans, we get the distinct opportunity to elect a leader every four years. Whether or not we vote for the person who wins, it is our civic duty to support the decision of the majority and to respect the office of the President of our United States.
So as I sit here today I am waving my white flag and preparing to support a man as the leader of my country. I pray that he will be a true leader, not a partisan politician as we have long seen in this country. We all need to respect and allow Mr. Obama the chance to lead and to see if he lives up to his word that he will be everyone’s President, not just the leader of those who voted for him. Good leadership is not a partisan quality; my ideals align fairly close on many issues with the current President but that does not mean I feel he is a good leader. George W. Bush’s divisiveness and inability/unwillingness to clearly communicate to the American people has left the country in the state it is in today.
People are hungry for leadership and now someone, Barack Obama, has a chance to truly attempt to lead.
I honestly feel that this will be a chance that Mr. Obama will waste but I have learned not to assume. For when you assume, my friends, you make an ASS of U and ME. I am burying my preconceptions and opinions for a few months-show me Democracy Mr. President Elect, show me unity: please don’t show me a socialist agenda and try to ram it down my throat.
God Bless America
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