Now I am not.
John McCain selected a conservative, female version of Barack Obama to be his running mate. Her confident, well-delivered speech was something of sheer beauty. She was able to take the criticism of her experience and turn it around to show she has more than Obama (which she does). She blasted Obama for past statements and terrible ideas he has for our country. McCain has gotten himself an attack dog who will be nipping at Obama every chance she gets.
Here's Joe Biden today discussing his upcoming debate with Mrs. Palin:
"When we debate -- and, boy, she's going to be a tough debater, she's going to be a skillful debater -- I'm going to try to talk about the differences of our worldview here and what we're going to do for the country," he said.
"If it's going to get down to who can deliver the toughest lines, then she's going to win the debate," Biden added.
Newsflash to Joe D. Biden (D for Dumbass)-What people remember about debates is great lines with substance. She's going to mop the floor with your old, wrinkly ass.
My point in all this is that since McCain has gotten himself a sharp, well-spoken VP to attack Obama, he can focus more on issues and stay somewhat above the fray. Obama will not have the same luxury; he will have to respond directly if he is to win this election because his running mate is a bumbling wimp.
Full Disclosure: I still am unsure if I will vote for McCain or Bob Barr, I just know that I am not a socialist. Barack Obama essentially is socialist on many issues and Joe Biden is the epitome of a weak liberal and has been for years. I couldn't care less that he knows a lot about foreign policy, doesn't mean he knows the right thing to do and how to handle situations. Basically, its not so much that I love Republicans... I just hate stupid, weak, liberal democrats and that is what 90% of that party has become.

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